Vol. 23, No. 3 Fall 2001 Editor: Ralph Holcomb, University of Saint Thomas (rjholcomb@stthomas.edu)
Associate Editor: Carol J. Williams, Kean University (caroljwilliams@worldnet.att.net)
Contents of This Issue

September 11, 2001:
It Happened Here. Responses from around the country Come to Denver! The Fall Conference, 2001 BPD
in Ghana: Stories and Photos BSW Students and Faculty win State Policy awards - Charleston Policy Conference Ceremony
Hartford Geriatric Enrichment Funding - BPD Gets $60,000 for Your Students
Regular Features...
President's Column, times two BPD, FYI Treasurer's Report

About BPD Update:
BPD Update is a publication of the Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors, Inc. The publication is issued
three times a year, in January, May and November. Membership in BPD is $130 for current or past directors of accredited
baccalaureate social work programs, $80 for directors of programs in candidacy, $80 for faculty members in accredited social
work programs and interested others, and $50 for retired social work educators. Membership applications can be obtained online
at http://www.bpdonline.org/ or by contacting Dr. Rebecca Turner, Jacksonville State University, 201
Bib Graves Hall, Jacksonville, AL 36265. Phone: (256) 782-5004; FAX: (256) 782-5220; email: rturner@jsucc.jsu.edu
Advertising is $150 per half page and $300 per full page. Camera
ready copy should be sent to October 1 for the Fall issue and March 15 for the Spring issue. All correspondence regarding
advertising should be forwarded to Ralph Holcomb, School of Social Work, University of Saint Thomas, #LOR 406, 2115 Summit
Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105-1096, (651) 962-5809, FAX (651) 962-5819, email: rjholcomb@stthomas.edu