An e-journal is an online journal. There are as many different kinds of e-journals as there are people with something to say.
The possibilities are limitless.
CONTENTS: Curricular Guides Social Justice
African-American Youth EPAS, Part II BPD's Response
to the Latest Revision Survey of BPD Membership on
EPAS BPD Conference in Denver! Everything You Wanted
to Know about our Fall Conference President's Report
BPD President Visits the University of Arkansas
BPD @ APM IASWR Update National Center for Social
Work Research Act Gains in Congress Technology Corner
2001 Candidate Statements Committee Reports
NEW FEATURE: Only in BPD Update Online! BPD Members Make the News
BPD Update is a publication of the Association of Baccalaureate
Social Work Program Directors, Inc. The publication is issued
three times a year, in January, May and November.
Membership in BPD is $130 for current or past
directors of accredited baccalaureate social
work programs, $80 for directors of programs in
candidacy, $80 for faculty members in
accredited social work programs and interested
others, and $50 for retired social work educators.
Membership applications can be obtained online at
or by contacting Dr. Rebecca Turner,
Jacksonville State University, 201 Bib Graves
Hall, Jacksonville, AL 36265. Phone: (256)
782-5004; FAX: (256) 782-5220; email:
Advertising is $150 per half page and $300 per
full page. Camera ready or email copy should be sent to
October 1 for the Fall issue and March 15 for
the Spring issue. All correspondence regarding
advertising should be forwarded to Ralph
Holcomb, School of Social Work, University of
Saint Thomas, #LOR 406, 2115 Summit Avenue,
St. Paul, MN 55105-1096, (651) 962-5809, FAX (651) 962-5819,

BPD Update is a publication of the Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors, Inc. The publication is issued
three times a year, in January, May and November. Membership
in BPD is $130 for current or past directors of accredited baccalaureate social work programs, $80 for directors of programs
in candidacy, $80 for faculty members in accredited social work programs and interested others, and $50 for retired social
work educators. Membership applications can be obtained online at or by contacting
Dr. Rebecca Turner, Jacksonville State University, 201 Bib Graves Hall, Jacksonville, AL 36265. Phone: (256) 782-5004; FAX:
(256) 782-5220; email: Advertising
is $150 per half page and $300 per full page. Camera ready copy should be sent to October 15 for the Fall issue and March
15 for the Spring issue. All correspondence regarding advertising should be forwarded to Ralph Holcomb, School of Social Work,
University of Saint Thomas, #LOR 406, 2115 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105-1096, (651) 962-5809, FAX (651) 962-5819, email: