Vol. 24, No. 1
Winter 2002
Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors (BPD)
Ralph Holcomb, Editor, College of Saint Catherine/University of Saint Thomas,
Carol J. Williams, Associate Editor, Kean University,
Spotlight on Gallaudet
The BSW Program's Response to a Deadly Threat
Social Work in Apartheid South Africa
Social Policy Professor Josephine Norward Reflects on Practicing
Social Work in South Africa and the US
Students and Licensure
The New Social Worker Editor Linda Grobman on
What Our Students are Saying They Need to Know
Denver 2001
Snapshots from the Photo Album
Tech Corner
New Web Resources
BPD, FYI....
Editor's Prerogative
President's Column

About BPD Update
BPD Update is a publication of the Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors, Inc. The publication is issued
three times a year, in January, May and November.
Membership in BPD is $130 for current or past directors of
accredited baccalaureate social work programs, $80 for directors of programs in candidacy, $80 for faculty members in accredited
social work programs and interested others, and $50 for retired social work educators. Membership applications can be obtained
online at
or by contacting Dr. Rebecca Turner, Jacksonville State University,
201 Bib Graves Hall, Jacksonville, AL 36265. Phone: (256) 782-5004; FAX: (256) 782-5220; email: rturner@jsucc.jsu.edu
Advertising is $150 per half page and $300 per full page. Camera
ready copy should be sent to October 15 for the Fall issue and March 15 for the Spring issue. All correspondence regarding
advertising should be forwarded to Ralph Holcomb, School of Social Work, University of Saint Thomas, #LOR 406, 2115 Summit
Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105-1096, (651) 962-5809, FAX (651) 962-5819, email: rjholcomb@stthomas.edu
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The BPD Update Online Web Site is sponsored by Lyceum Books.