BPD Update Online, Fall 2004
President's Report
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Anita Curry-Jackson, Ph.D., President, BPD

President's Report
Anita Curry-Jackson


"UPDATE is a major communication vehicle for the Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors. Its purpose is to serve as the primary source of reporting current developments of the Association and the membership, actions of the Board of Directors, activities of the Board committees, and other time sensitive information."

Additionally, UPDATE includes content regarding new developments in the social and human services arena. These new and emerging developments related to social work can include legislation at any levels, program development in the various fields of practice, and changes in higher education. At this time, the national election is at the forefront. November 2, 2004 is ELECTION DAY. Although there may be many important issues on the ballots at the county and state levels, attention is focused on the next president of the United States for the next four years. It is imperative that we demonstrate leadership by voting and facilitating others' participation in the election process. In these final days leading up to the election, we should use every opportunity to education our communities and students on the important issues and the importance of exercising our right to vote.

Anita Curry-Jackson, Ph.D. President,

Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors

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Road Stops on the Road to Change are on the next page...

Spiral, Horizontal Line Spinning

BPD Update Online, Volume 26, No. 3, Fall 2004

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