BPD Update Online, Fall 2002
Field Education Committee Report
Editor's Prerogative
President's Report
Thinking About Research...
A Conversation About Research with Joe Schriver
News from IASWR
Online Government Documents
Measuring the Effectiveness of Practice
20th Annual Baccalaureate Social Work Education Conference
20th Annual BPD Conference
BPD Membership Form
CSWE Accreditation Services
Technology Corner
Ron Federico Memorial Lecture
Silent/Live Auction
Committee Reports
Pittsburgh Hilton and Towers, Site of the 2002 BPD Conference
Photo Album: Come to Pittsburgh!!!
Contact BPD Update Online

Field Education Committee, Rebecca Peel, Chair

The BPD Field Education Committee (FEC) continues to work toward the following goals: 1) interpret the needs of undergraduate social work field education to the Board, 2) create a networking system for field directors/coordinators, 3) establish pre-conference training sessions relative to field education, 4) identify outcome assessment and evaluation procedures/instruments for undergraduate social work field education and, 5) develop program professional policies and provide training related to " screening out" students based on personal behaviors, non-academic performance, and termination of students linked to educational objectives.

To date, a BPD web field link has been created which provides information on FEC members, goals, and objectives, and CSWE, EPAS, June, 2001. Additionally, the link also includes information on the Directory of BSW Field Education Directors, the Field Education Listserve, and Field Education Resources, such as journal articles, field manuals, forms etc. The Field Directors Resource Directory is available on line or hard copies can be purchased for a nominal fee through Janet Bradley, FEC member, at jbradley2@wcupa.edu. The Resource Directory will be available at the upcoming conference for purchase. The Committee also continues to coordinate pre-conference workshops based on needs identified by participants from the previous year's conference. Subsequently, this year's pre-conference agenda includes a workshop for new and novice field instructors, an interactive workshop focused on field governance issues, and a workshop on advanced training in field education. A session is also being offered related to the use of technology in field. For additional information or updates on the BPD web field link, contact Sue Scher at sscher@ramapo.edu . We will look forward to seeing you in Pittsburgh in the fall!

Rebecca Peel, Chair
Field Education Committee

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More Committee Reports are next..

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