Ralph Holcomb, MSW, Ph.D.
Associate Profedssor
University of St. Thomas
My affiliation with BPD goes back to 1989 when I stepped in, all of a sudden, as director of a small social work program.
BPD helped me get through the pressing organizational, personnel, and reaccreditation issues facing my program. I have been
discharging my debt of gratitude to the organization in various ways ever since, most notably as the editor of the BPD Update
for the last seven years, and as the writer of the "Daily Update" each year at the fall conference.
I'm running for the Board now because I have a desire to help guide discussion of the status of associate members within
BPD. We need to encourage this discussion so we can better meet the commonly-held goal of helping this membership group fulfill
its service responsibilities to the organization. My first task as Board representative for the associate member group will
be to facilitate a dialogue with the Board and membership through publication of data gained by polling all BPDers on questions
germane to the role and status of Associate members. Next, I will bring concerns of fellow Associate members to my Full-Member
Board colleagues, so the Board can more clearly hear the needs expressed by this minority group. Finally and more generally,
I commit to helping the Board clarify the intersection between BPD daily business and our Code of Ethics.
John P. Nasuti, Associate Professor
University of North Carolina
at Wilmington (UNCW)
DSW University of Utah, 1990
MSW West Virginia University, 1984
BSW New Mexico State University, 1974
I have over 30 years of social work experience and more than fifteen years of teaching experience at both the undergraduate
and graduate level. I have been a member of BPD since 1992 and have attended the last twelve BPD conferences. During my
academic career, I actively participated in the reaffirmation of two graduate programs, one undergraduate program and the
initial accreditation of our own undergraduate program at UNCW. I am currently coordinating the reaffirmation process for
our BSW program and serving as the BSW director.
I have presented workshops on candidacy and accreditation process at the BPD and APM. I have attended countless workshops
on the curriculum policy statement and accreditation standards. Over the past twelve years I have been able to develop a
strong collegial relationship with BSW directors and faculty across the country. Perhaps the biggest contribution I can make
to the BPD board and to social work education is to continue the rich history of excellence that the BPD conference has had
over the past 20 years. Anyone who has attended a BPD conference knows how wonderful this conference has been. As a frequent
attendee I have come to understand and appreciate what makes a quality conference. I hope to continue supporting this effort
by volunteering my time to ensure that it continues to be the best conference in social work education,and the most fun.