History and Archives
Committee Report BPD 2006
The History and
Archives Committee is preparing for Destin in 2008. John King is working on getting funding for a commemorative timeline
that would be given to all attendees. We are also working on a history of BPD
from the time of its inception. Various ideas about who would publish this are under consideration. The committee would like to include in this volume the previous publications on the history if permissions can be obtained and then bring the history up to the present. Paul Stuart will take the lead on this.
We are also
planning a salon with previous presidents [particularly those from the early days] and early leaders of BPD present.
Since most people are planning to go to Destin, we think we would have a substantial body of such people present. The salon would be a sharing of memories and would be an immersion
experience in the history of BPD.
We also are projecting a game involving episodes in the early history of BPD and
leaders etc that all who wanted to could play and turn in answers at the booth. The most correct answers wins accolades
and a copy of the book.
We are also looking for people who have documents and memories about preBSW accreditation or who were on the CSWE accreditation commission during the time accreditation for BSW programs was
under consideration. Dean Pierce and I are considering a history of BSW
accreditation. If you have material that would help with this project please e-mail pmunke@aol.com. We will have a
call on the BPD list serve shortly for this material.