The Anti-Racism Committee briefly met during the Los Angeles BPD Conference to review our mission, objectives and current
status. We noted those in attendance were women of color and the committee's goal is to have a fuller representation and
participation by BPD members. During the LA conference organizational issues regarding concerns for processes of decision
making were brought to the committee. The committee chair worked with the convener of the Educators of Color to resolve those
issues and an informal meeting of members was called. This served to bring issues to the forefront and to develop a plan for
addressing concerns. Since the conference, the BPD board responded to issues and next steps are being considered for any remaining
issues. The Anti-Racism Committee and the Educators of Color extend special appreciation for the many members, board members,
allies, supporters and skilled mediators that lend their expertise for addressing these issues. It was clear that everyone
was most interested in the betterment of BPD as an organization. A future update will be forthcoming.
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BPD Update Online, Volume 29, No. 1, Winter, 2007
The BPD Update Online web site is sponsored by Lyceum Books.