The Nominations Committee successfully completed two important tasks during 1999-2000. First it completed the
nominations and election process filling the positions of President-elect, Treasurer-elect, 2 Board
Members-at-large and 2 Nominations Committee members. Second, the Committee
recommended a following revision to the by-laws (changes in bold) that was
approved by the membership at the Annual Conference: Article IV
Board of Directors Section 1: Board Members a. The Board of Directors
shall consist of eight elected members at large and the elected officers.
b. The elected officers and six elected members-at-large shall be current directors and hold regular
membership. c. One board member-at-large shall represent associate/emeritus
membership. d. Members shall take office on July 1 of the year of their election and shall serve
for their specified term or until their successor is elected. The
Nominations Committee also recommended that a board appointment from the two categories (associate
membership and emeritus membership) be made to attend Board meetings this
year and make recommendations regarding the roles representatives from these
constituency groups would play on the Board and as liaisons to their respective groups. President
Mit Joyner appointed Wanda Priddy. Information about the Nominations
Committee is on the BPD Web page. It includes the names, addresses and methods
of contacting all members of the committee and descriptions of the duties of each office, board position,
and Nominations Committee position. Please visit the site and contact us if you are interested
in running for office. The Nominations committee will meet in Denver
at the end of January to identify and nominate candidates for 2 Board Members-at-large,
and 2 Nominations Committee members. One Board position will be filled with an
Associate member. The committee members will work with the Membership Committee to identify
qualified candidates for each position. Respectfully submitted,
Linda Moore, Chair Nominations Committee