BPD Update Online, Fall 2003
President's Report
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Anita Curry-Jackson, Ph.D., President, BPD

President's Report
Anita Curry-Jackson


It is an honor to be elected President of the Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors (BPD). As I start my tenure as President, I see many challenges before the Association. As I work with the Board of Direcctors to address these challenges, I will use my personal motto to guide the actions of the Board of Directors. The motto is: Take all challenges and obstacles and turn them into opportunities.

The Board of Directors is privileged to have its work defined and outlined. BPD has an extensive Strategic Plan that provides the roadmap for the organization for the next two years. This Strategic Plan ensures continuity and direction for the Association, especially as members transition on-and-off the Board of Directors.

During my tenure as President, I am committed to making the Strategic Plan a "living document". The Board of Directors and I will set realistic action items and benchmarks for evaluating our implementation of the Strategic Plan. And, the Board of Directors is directing BPD committees to link its activities to the Strategic Plan. Thus, the Strategic Plan is to have persons affiliated with BPD to have a shared ownership and involvement in the implementation of the Strategic Plan.

An important initiative for the next two years is the Leadership Development Training. Starting at the BPD annual conference in Reno, there will be a two-track Leadership Development Program. Track one is designed for Program Directors. The focus is to provide training for Program Directors, honing their existing skills as well as developing new skills for our ever changing work environment. The second track is for faculty aspiring to become program directors. This initiative addresses Goal 2 of the Strategic Plan.

Over the next two years, I look forward to working with the Board of Directors and the membership as we make better known to the general public what makes BPD great and what ensures that BPD is creating value in our society.

Anita Curry-Jackson, Ph.D.
President, BPD

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Spiral, Horizontal Line Spinning

BPD Update Online, Volume 25, No. 3, Fall 2003

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