BPD Update Online, Fall 2003
Executive Committee of the BPD Gerontology Committee
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Executive Committee of the BPD Gerontology Committee Meeting Minutes
Atlanta, GA
March 1, 2003

Meeting Convened at 7:30 AM

Attendance, Mit Joyner, Anita Rosen, Esther Langston, Ann Myers, Francine Conway, Harriet Cohen, Jack Sellers, Sally Bell, June Pegues, Suzanne St. Peter, Heather Larkin
The chair, Mit Joyner, presided over this meeting

I. Agenda and other items were circulated to all members

A. Agenda was reviewed

B. BPD Gerontology Committee minutes were read and approved by the committee.

( Please Note that Esther Langston, is also the BPD board liaison for this committee)

C. A letter was distributed by the chair, Mit Joyner from Frank Baskind to Spencer Zeiger, which stated that the BPD Gerontology committee should serve as an model for social work education . The presentations that were made in Pittsburgh honoring CSWE and the Hartford Foundation was a first where a social work association honors a sister group. BPD should be applauded for being the first association to do this honoring and for making it happen.

D. A list of accomplishments was also handed out to the group.

1. Mit Joyner reports that the Executive Committee is so successful and accomplished all goals that the committee was charged upon implementation to complete; that there is no longer a need for an Executive Committee to exist, the committee has in fact accomplished what we set out to do.

2. Everyone who sits on Executive Committee on the BPD Gerontology Committee was invited to remain on the committee if they wanted to do so.

a. A discussion on the need to have more people take ownership, since we do not want the gerontology committee activities to disappear when John A Hartford funding is completed or the Executive Committee disbands occurred. It was decided that this issue should be discussed as a priority at the next meeting of the full committee.
b. As we reviewed the "major accomplishments" handout, it was noted that the Gerontology Committee was the first BPD committee to seek outside funding sources.

II. Funding, Publishing and other related areas that focus on aging.

A. Kathy Briar-Lawson, NADD Task Force Chair is working with a newly created national task force on aging which includes members from NADD, BPD, NASW, IASWR, ANSWER, as well as others in social work who are charged with developing a short definition of social work for the labor market.

1. Discussed why is was necessary and why we needed to use the same language when looking for federal funding or other appropriations.

2. Anita Curry Jackson, president-elect of BPD, Mit Joyner Chair of BPD Gerontology Committee, and Eli DeHope, committee member of BPD Gerontology committee attended a meeting of this group at the SWRR meeting in January 2003 in Washington, DC. Another meeting is occurring at this CSWE conference and Mit will attend, again with Anita Curry Jackson

B. Anita talked about the need for this committee to encourage BPD members to submit publications on their work

1. The committee members talked about the need to build credibility for social work when going outside of our specific discipline to seek additional funding dollars.

III. Connections and Other Groups

A. Mit talked to Kathy Briar-Lawson's NADDS Task Force Chair and received permission for this committee to modify their material ( using it as a template) so BPD directors have the same material as MSW directors.
The CSWE WebPages has the report that can be downloaded. June Pegues and Carla Solfka agreed to work on this assignment for the committee. Hopefully, at the next BPD meeting in Reno, Nevada we will have their first draft.

B. Scott Geron is looking for a baccalaureate person (BSW practitioner in the Aging Field) to join the board of the Geriatric Social Work Initiative of Boston University, please get names of your graduates to Mit as soon as possible.

1. The brochure from Boston University was circulated to members

a. Focus of this new grant activity is Education, Research, and Policy

C. Mit Joyner discussed that one of the main purposes for the gerontology committee next year is to help BSW programs to disseminate information, as required John A Hartford grantees.

1. See continued efforts for 2003

2. Discussed putting resource center together at next BPD conference
3. Discussed sustaining interest of gerontology even at a higher level through 2006

4. Discussed inviting BSW, MSW and Combined programs, to the next BPD Conference to participate in the Aging Resource Fair.

5. This committee must also lobby for more money for BSW Programs

a. Dr. Barbara Berkman is also writing a major grant for field stipends, BPD gave her support letters both Anita as president-elect and Mit Joyner, chair of gerontology committee, we will are awaiting to hear if the proposal gets funded.

6. Continued to review list of Continued Efforts Budget for 2003 and develop strategies for funding and research opportunities for BSW educators and students.

D. Anita talked about the need for us to work with other BPD committees

1. We need to make data available to different groups

a. Anita said pulling resource information together will take time and resources, however the benefits are very rewarding as the material will increase the quality of professional service for the growing aging population through faculty, students and consumers, will increase. We need to have a person lead this effort, please let Mit know if you are interested

E. Contact Mit letting her know what role you would like to play and you want to do, as well as what project you want to work on with the BPD Gerontology Committee.

1. It was agreed by all to have one main group rather than two groups now that the grant is completed

a. Want efforts to continue as well but better with ideas generated from one group

IV. Discussed other avenues for funding

A. Issues to consider

1. Grandparents caring for grandchildren (especially know that military families with parents are away because of the war)

2. Elderly couples housed together

3. Workforce and the elderly

4. Prescription drugs, social security and impact of privatization

B. Tie in other BPD committees

1. Anita discussed one of the main purposes of the committee is educating BPD members about issues and funding as it relates to gerontology.

V. Tie-in to overall strategic plan to any action committee action plan.

A. Mit Joyner discussed that everything should be tied to the 2003-2005 BPD strategic plan, then information about whom is doing what can be sent back to Jack Sellers.

B. Copies of strategic plan were made available to those who needed them, this document can also be accessed via the BPD WebPages..

C. Infusing gerontology into the undergraduate social work curriculum is part of the strategic plan.

D. Revise goals & objectives is an Agenda item for October 2003.

1. Mit invited us all to the next BPD in Reno

a. Hallmark, certificates and thanking the committee publicly will occur. A reminder that "We were charged with getting programs to apply, and they have applied." We must have a public recognition of how successful the committee efforts were in making this happen and the committee will have an event on this momentous occasion at BPD.

VI. FDI's & Gero-rich projects

A. Anita discussed use of Gero-Rich projects in FDI's

1. Research topics that are interest areas

a. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
b. Spirituality in Aging
c. Care-giving for Elderly
d. Intergenerational Issues across the Life-Span

B. Jack Sellers brought up what a big help SAGE-SW was for the committee members

1. June agreed that the resources were helpful and the committee activity and achieving w hat we set out to do was very rewarding.

C. June suggested that Caregiving helps to normalize the idea that we are caregivers throughout the life cycle

1. Anita brought out caregiving linkages throughout the lifespan

D. McArthur foundation focuses on successful aging, contributions, research, and policy issues

E. Anita discussed the APM/ FDI

1. Very energized group to target is the field coordinators

2. Anita will discuss with Janet Bradley, Chair of the BPD Field Committee other needs the committee feels field instructors may be in need of a FDI on Aging

F. Sally talked about continued issues of research and or training.

1. Baby Boomers: Interracial relationships & Bi-Racial Aging People: Implications for Practice?

2. Paid care for older adults are minorities: What Issues Does This Bring to Practice?

3. Going to war; Impacting and Advocating for Muslims People who do not speak English

4. Miscommunications with People of Color: How does this Affect Aging Adult Needs?
Wheels, etc.

VII. The general BPD Gerontology Committee will meet at 4:15pm later today

VIII. Meeting Adjourned at 9:00AM

Respectfully submitted,

Heather Larkin, LICSW, LADC, BCD
Part-time Research Assistant
SAGE-SW Project
Council on Social Work Education

Edited by Mit Joyner

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Spiral, Horizontal Line Spinning

BPD Update Online, Volume 25, No. 3, Fall 2003

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