March 23, 2001 Dr. Barbara White, President Council on Social Work Education 1725 Duke Street,
Suite 500 Alexandria, VA 22314-3457 Dear Barbara: I would like to take this opportunity to respond
to the second draft of the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards on behalf of the Association of Baccalaureate Program
Directors. I applaud you for the open process allowing comment from all constituent groups and programs to improve each draft
to meet the needs of social work education. I realize that this process has not been an easy one due to the lack of trust
as it relates to EPAS. However, after seeing some of the recommendations included in the second document that concerned many
baccalaureate programs. I believe the BPD membership now supports this open process to a final EPAS document. BPD believes
this process should serve as a model for CSWE, allowing input from all groups representing social work education before the
final standards are enacted. Once again, BPD had a process to gain information from its members regarding EPAS
Draft Two. As you are aware, we held meetings at the CSWE Annual Program Meeting in Dallas, Texas which included a separate
session sponsored by BPD and a discussion at the BPD membership meeting. We also allowed BPD members to share their comments
and thoughts through the BPD WebPages and the BPD list serve. And, finally, the EPAS Review Committee sent a questionnaire
to all baccalaureate programs requesting their agreement or disagreement to several of the major points within the document.
All of the attachments are included for you to carefully review and digest. I am pleased to let you know that
many of the major points that BPD was seeking were change from EPAS Draft One to EPAS Draft Two have occurred. The BPD membership
has addressed several areas in which we would ask the members of the Commission and CSWE to consider in the next draft of
EPAS. 1. BPD continues to support the elimination of the requirement of the doctorate for fifty percent of the
faculty. Although we agree that those who hold a doctorate and are committed to undergraduate education enhance the academic
quality of the social work faculty, we still argue that the pool of applicants is limited. Small programs report that they
have advertised on numerous occasions for terminally qualified faculty and they did not receive any applications. Small programs
make up over half of the baccalaureate programs, serving clients in rural areas in which social work services are desperately
needed. All of us realize that the pool of applicants to staff baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral programs is small by
reviewing the numerous ads for employment. Presently, the graduation rate of doctoral qualified faculty is relatively small
and can not meet the staffing needs of social work education in the immediate future. For this reason and also for the rationale
that Universities and Colleges determine the qualifications of the faculty. The process of accreditation is to set the minimum
standards of the curriculum delivery. BPD argues, although it may only be a relatively small group of universities, they
should set their standards for faculty entering their system, and not CSWE. BPD would urge you to consider the small baccalaureate
programs and delete the requirement of the doctorate for 50% of the faculty as we feel it is critical for small programs to
survive in these economic, fiscally lean times. In addition, Field Director's may have the classification of a faculty member.
BPD strongly feels that MSW Field Director's are qualified and serve as strong advocates for social work education. To change
the requirement for field director's to be included in the formula for doctorate is not necessary. 2. In addition,
the BPD membership requests that baccalaureate program directors be compensated in the summer. Deans and directors of masters
programs generally have twelve month contracts, and most baccalaureate directors have nine month contracts. Although the
standards remain the same in the covering of the office for social work students and directing the program, the compensation
and parity are non-existent between the master and baccalaureate director's. This is a gross injustice to the position and
this must be corrected through the EPAS standards. Therefore, BPD recommends summer compensation for program directors.
3. BPD applauds the EPAS document since it supports non-discrimination. We also interpret that their will not be
any exception or waivers on the curriculum content on gay and lesbian people by CSWE. Populations at risk is included in
the professional foundation curriculum along with social and economic justice but the policies no longer list specific populations
that must receive attention in the content. BPD can not support the requirement of discriminating faculty and students because
of their sexual orientation. BPD realizes the ethical dilemma, however as an organization and as social workers we have a
responsibility and commitment as a profession which does not allow us to support discrimination of people. Although, the
discussion at CSWE Annual Program Meeting was stimulating as well as challenging, social work educators must continue to
dialog about how CSWE will handle programs who blatantly discriminate against faculty and students. 4. BPD
seeks further clarification regarding the continuum of social work. Several issues were unclear in the second draft that
causes confusion with the interpretation. Specifically, what distinguishes BSW and MSW education other than the generalist
professional practice vs. the advanced professional practice. EPAS must clearly identify the distinctions between the senior
year of the BSW program and the first year of an MSW program. Finally, EPAS must deal with the issues of the advanced standing
by stating exactly how programs who do not have advanced standing insure that duplication and redundancy is handled with a
graduate of a baccalaureate program. EPAS must continue to support the advance standing provisions for MSW programs.
5. BPD also feels that the strengths perspective should resurface in the next EAPS document for baccalaureate programs.
BPD also encourages the language of professional advisor by faculty and staff for students. In conclusion,
although there are other issues that could be raised, BPD feels if the above areas that were sited are address in the next
document the next draft of EPAS would be one that represent the social work profession. BPD is excited about EPAS Draft Three
as it should conclude the process and as an organization we would be in a position to strongly encourage all of our members
to support the EPAS revisions. As President of the Association, I do believe that there are certain issues
that are not pertinent to EPAS but to the direction of social work education that have emerged through this open process.
The Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors will submit a letter to Dr. Don Beless, Executive Director
of CSWE as well as yourself regarding our concerns that we feel must be discussed with the CSWE members. If you have any
questions or additional concerns after reading this document, please feel free to contact me or any member on the EPAS Committee.
Once again, thank you for the opportunity to be heard. Sincerely, Mildred C. Joyner,
President Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors