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BPD Update Online, Spring 2001
Report from the Nominations Committee: Nominees

by Linda Moore, Chairperson, Nominations Committee

The following slate was presented to the membership at the CSWE APM.


Candidates for Board Member-at-large:

Position One:

Renee Daniels
Daemon College
Amherst, New York

Kim-Anne Perkins
University of Maine at Presque Isle
Presque Isle, Maine

Position Two:

Joel Ambelang
Concordia University
Mequon, Wisconsin

Paul Dovyak
University of Rio Grande
Rio Grande, Ohio

Position Three:
Jane Hoyt-Oliver
Malone College
Canton, Ohio

Dorothy Stratton
Ashland University
Ashland, Ohio

Position Four (to represent Associate/Emeritus membership):

Sandy Mills
University of Illinois, Springfield
Springfield, Illinois

Wanda Priddy
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, Arkansas

Candidates for Nominations Committee:

Region VI:

Tony Maltese
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, Connecticut

Roy Rodenhiser
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, New York

Region III:

Sue Steiner
Arizona State University
Phoenix, Arizona

Kate Wambaugh
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas

Please vote in the election. The leadership of the organization is important for our goals. We have excellent candidates for each office but you decide who will lead BPD. Ballots will be out prior to May 1 and will be due back by May 15. Thanks to all who agreed to run for office and to serve if elected!

Remember to vote for the candidates of your choice!!

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