The Big Bend Unit of the Florida Chapter of NASW selected Dr. Gloria Duran Aguilar as Social Worker of the Year. She
was nominated by her friend and colleague, Dr. Brenda Jarmon, who is also on the faculty at Florida A&M University. Dr.
Aguilar was recognized for her political activities and advocacy during the past year, beginning with the Florida One
March which was a protest against Governor Bush's Executive Order to eliminate affirmative action from higher education and
state government contracts. Dr. Aguilar also was instrumental in organizing social work students at FAMU to
become involved in various election campaigns, as well as their participation in the demonstrations following the election
returns. She also served as the Campaign Treasurer for fellow social worker Karen Woodall, BSW, who ran for the
Florida State House. Gloria served as the President of the FL-NASW PACE for three years until December 2000, at which point
she was appointed as Legislative Chair for the Florida Chapter. In addition, one of Gloria's students, Priscilla Hall,
was selected Social Work Student of the Year for her political activities.
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Carol J. Williams, Associate Editor