Jerry Finn and Steve Marson present at APM |
Jerry Finn (University of New Hampshire) and Steve Marson (University of North Carolina at Pembroke) presented a wonderful
Faculty Development Institute on A Systems Approach to Database and Web page Development for Field Instruction Management.
This workshop was an enhanced version of the session that Jerry and Steve presented in 2000. The workshop was repeated since
its initial offering attracted 32 participants to a session designed for 16.
Jerry Finn made a second appearance to present a workshop on Ethics and Liability in Online Social Work Practice. This
lab session, designed for a maximum of 16 participants, attracted 19 attendees.
Pamela A. Viggiani and Debra Fromm Faria (Rochester Institute of Technology) presented a session on Teaching Diversity:
a Harmonious Approach Utilizing Multimedia and Blackboard Web Enhancement.

Candace Miles and Michael Wright Present at APM Media Tech |
Candace Miles and Michael Wright (Andrews University) led a lab session on Utilizing Web-Based Portfolios to Facilitate
Educational Assessment and Continuous Professional Development.
Candice and Michael's workshop attracted 32 participants in a lab designed for sixteen.
Lynn Adkins (University of Pittsburgh), Debra Gohagan (Minnesota State University), Darlene Lynch (Aurora University),
Robert Vernon (Indiana University), and Carol Williams (Kean University) presented a lab session to introduce their first
draft of a Tool to Review Online Course Content and Delivery.

Sonya Monroe's Electronic Poster at APM Media Tech |
Sonya Monroe (Governor's State University) presented a poster entitled Enhancing Teaching and Learning of Social Work Values,
Ethics, and Interviewing Knowledge and Skills through Audiovisual and Computer Technology.
Of course, your Associate Editor was there on the scene coordinating the Media Tech Center and serving as roving photographer.
Look for more APM photos in our web based publication: BPD Update Online.
Visit BPD Update Online at:
The Spring 2002 Issue of BPD Update will be published to the web soon.
Carol Williams