Sally Alonzo-Bell
Sally Alonzo Bell, Ph.D., LCSW (California) is professor and chair of the Social Work Department at Azusa Pacific University.
She received her MSW and Ph.D. from UCLA, School of Social Welfare.
She has a long history of leadership with BPD; she has served on the Board of Directors as Member-at Large, Secretary,
and on numerous committees: Gerontology, Research, and Advance Standing, to name a few. In each capacity she has brought innovations
and vision.
Sally also brings years of service to the profession of Social Work and Social Work education. She has served NASW as
Alternate Director, Regional Director, and First Vice-President (CA Chapter); and at CSWE on the Board of Directors as BPD
Her contributions to BPD as President-Elect will be in continuing to move BPD forward as the voice of baccalaureate social
work education. She will work on managing growth while maintaining the supportive and familial atmosphere that distinguishes
BPD. Sally will provide leadership in building positive public relations with other social work education organizations.
With the public, Sally will work to improve our image and to educate the public in differentiating between professional social
work and non-trained workers. She will continue the struggle to build a seamless continuum from BSW to MSW education. And
above all, as your President-Elect, Sally Alonzo Bell will listen to concerns and issues of the membership and work to move
forward the membership's agenda.
Anita Curry-Jackson, PhD.
Chair and Associate Professor
Department of Social Work
Wright State University
Dayton, Ohio
BPD is the nationally recognized
organization for undergraduate social
work education. As a candidate for
the Office of President Elect, I look
forward to the opportunity to serve
the constituents of undergraduate
social work education. My platform is
to build on the accomplishments of
BPD and to champion issues that
promote the social work continuum.
BPD is a key professional organization
for me. I have been active with BPD
since 1983 and I have served in the
following leadership roles:
1987-1989 National Board -
1997-2000 Nomination Committee
(Chair, 1998-1999)
2000- present Advanced Standing
Committee, Chair
Additionally, I have twenty-four years
of involvement in social work higher
education. I have chaired and directed two undergraduate social work programs (small program
and large program), served on CSWE Board of Directors and the CSWE Commission on Accreditation, and I am a certified CSWE
Site Visitor. These positions, along with my other leadership roles in the community and university, have provided me with
the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to lead BPD.
My goal is to keep BPD in the forefront as the major player in advancing excellence in undergraduate social work education.