Virginia Cruz
Chair, Social Work Department
Metropolitan State College of Denver
M.S.W. 1979 from UCLA
D.S.W. 1983 from UCLA
I am delighted to run for the office of Vice President. The camaraderie among the membership is unmatched in my experience
as a professional social worker. So many of us have benefited from the sharing, caring and leadership of BPD.
BPD has been a guiding light in the nine years that I have been an undergraduate program director. Our Social Work Program
was accepted into candidacy in 1995, received initial accreditation in 1997 and reaccreditation in 2001. Everything from
the admissions policy to curriculum development to the outcome measures emanated from discussions with fellow BPD members.
The noncompetitive sharing of information has not only added to the quality of our program but to undergraduate education
across the country, teaching students best practice and ultimately benefiting vulnerable client populations.
Most recently, I was privileged to be an undergraduate program representative on the Board of Directors for CSWE from
1998 to 2001. This was exciting time to be on the board as EPAS evolved through various stages and finally passed. My appreciation
of BPD as an advocate for all undergraduate social work programs grew as a result of that experience. BPD was a voice of
fairness, asking that each program be respected, regardless of size or research agenda.
BPD has so much to offer social work educators. I would welcome the opportunity to give back by contributing my time,
energy and ideas to this great organization.
Susan Hoffpauir
Director, Bachelor of Social Work Program
Degrees and Other Credentials:
Master of Social Work
Doctor of Philosophy, Social Work and Social Science
Licensed Certified Social Worker, State of Arkansas
Institutional Affiliation:
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Unique Qualifications
For the past five years, I have been developing the baccalaureate social work program at the University of Arkansas at
Little Rock and moving it through the accreditation process. Due to my involvement in this process, I have spent much of
past few years reviewing and interpreting both the old and the new the educational policy and accreditation standards (EPAS).
This experience gives me a unique perspective on how changes in the EPAS may affect baccalaureate social work education in
the coming years. I believe BPD needs a strong voice in order to insure that the concerns and needs of undergraduate programs
are heard and considered.
Past and Current Involvement in BPD.
While developing the BSW program at University of Arkansas at Little Rock, I have been an active member of BPD, and have
attended every annual association meeting since 1997.
What I Can Contribute to BPD and Social Work Education
First of all, I can contribute my time and energy. As I stated above, I believe BPD needs a strong voice, and I am willing
and able to help provide such a voice. Also, I have been a social worker since 1979, and have experience as a clinician,
an administrator, a researcher, and an educator. I am committed to this profession and to insuring that social work education
provides students with the knowledge, skills and values necessary to achieve system change, and social and economic justice.