BPD Update Online, Spring 2002
Nominations Committee, Position No. 2
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Nominations Committee, Position No. 2

Nicholas Cooper-Lewter

Chair, Social Work Department
Benedict College
Columbia, SC

Dr. Nicholas Cooper-Lewter holds the master of Social Work degree and the Ph.D. in Psychology, and has studied at the Ecumenical Center for Black Church Studies in Claremont, CA.

He has been an active member of BPD for over five years and currently serves on the BPD Research Task Force. As a social work faculty, he has taught across the entire undergraduate curriculum, played key roles in CSWE program accreditations and reaffirmations. He has researched, designed, and taught new courses covering a broad spectrum from diversity to spirituality. Dr. Cooper is compassionate about justice and excellence. A former collegiate athlete, and internationally respected as a specialist in sports psychology, he understands the power of teamwork to achieve greatness. Nicholas brings his spirit, a wide variety of interests and skills, and experience to serve BPD. His gifts are evident in his most recent book, Black Grief and Soul Therapy.

Olga Osby

Chair, Department of Social Work
Mississippi Valley State University
Itta Bena, MS

MSW & DSW, Howard University
Washington, DC

As a new member of BPD, I am honored to have this opportunity to be considered for a position on the Nominations Committee. For seven years I was on faculty at the Jane Addams College of Social Work at the University of Illinois at Chicago, two of which, I served as Interim Director of Field Instruction. If elected to this position, I will work hard to promote the mission and goals of social work education. I believe strongly that baccalaureate education is not just the beginning level for social workers entering the field, but the foundation of our profession and the place where the seeds for social change and social justice are sown into our profession. For this reason, I am committed to working with BPD and would welcome the opportunity to begin my association with this organization on the Nominations Committee.

Continue on to see some photos from the 2002 APM in Nashville, CSWE's 50th Anniversary...

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