Based on the BPD list serve, our web site and the printed RFP, the Hartford Geriatric Enrichment Education Project Staff hope
that undergraduate programs nationwide have learned of this $60,000 funding opportunity to prepare students for gerontological
social work. One of our most satisfying responsibilities is answering e-mails and phone calls from prospective applicants.
We encourage any and all inquiries in order to provide the best support for you during this initial application phase. Please
feel free to call us at 206.221.HART (4278) or send an e-mail to for any questions you may have.
We would also appreciate messages from you if your program is planning to apply. Having advance notice regarding the number
of applications will help us prepare for the time-intensive review process. Three of our project staff will also be at
the BPD annual conference in Denver, and are eager to consult with you about your proposals. To make this consultation time
as productive as possible, please bring your draft proposals with you for us to review and provide feedback. We anticipate
many highly competitive proposals from undergraduate programs. We also want to spread the word about our newly updated
- and continually changing - website: We have recently added discussions on the Process of Change concept
and Definitions of Curriculum Change. Soon to come are gerontology-related Internet Resources and Publications and Suggestions
for Curriculum Transformation. Even if you are not applying for funding at this time, we encourage you to visit the site
and take advantage of the available resources. A question frequently asked of us is: "What is the difference between
the CSWE SAGE-SW Project and the Hartford Geriatric Enrichment Education Project?" Briefly, both projects are funded
by the John A. Hartford Foundation, are part of the Hartford Foundation's Geriatric Social Work Initiative, and seek to strengthen
all social work students' gerontological competence. The difference is the way in which this is accomplished: SAGE-SW (Strengthening
Aging in Gerontology Education for Social Work) focuses primarily on faculty development through training and dissemination
of resources. The Geriatric Enrichment Education Project provides funds to implement broader curricular changes in social
work programs nationally to increase aging-rich learning opportunities for social work students. For more information about
these programs, please visit their websites: SAGE-SW is accessed via and the Geriatric Enrichment Education Project
is at
Go on to the next page...
BPD Gerontology Committee Formed
In the spring Board Meeting the Board of BPD established the Gerontology Committee. President Spencer Zeiger appointed Mit
Joyner, West Chester University; Jack Sellers, University of Northern Alabama; Francine Conway-Giustra, Long Island University;
Esther Langston, University of Las Vegas; R. Ann Myers, James Madison University; Sally Alonzo-Bell, Azusa University; Gordon
Elliott, Mount Senario College; and June Pegues, retired social worker, to work on the first BPD Gerontology Committee. The
members are charged with working on the two projects funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation, GERORICH, and CSWE/SAGE -
Social Work. At the 19th Annual BPD Conference there will be several sessions that focus on funding opportunities and grants
for baccalaureate faculty and programs. Please try to attend the Pre-Conference on Wednesday, October 31 and the Research
Opportunities on Thursday, November 1st at 9:00 a.m., Session 240 and there will also be a session on the many opportunities
for you and your programs on Friday, November 2nd at 2:00 p.m., session 348. Finally, if you are interested in attending and
finding out the direction of the Gerontology Committee, feel free to attend the Gerontology Committee Meeting which will be
held on November 3rd, 2001 from 3:45 - 5:00 p.m. in the Silverton Room. Looking forward to working with you and the inclusion
of the aging content into your curriculum and program.