We have a very full program for you this year. There were a record number of presentation submissions, and we have excellent
invited speakers. Representatives of the Hartford Foundation will be there to discuss funding opportunities in the field
of gerontological social work, Education Specialists from CSWE will be available for consultation and to present workshops,
and the NASW Trust will have a special presentation on risk management in supervision. Ann Hartman and Joan Laird will speak
at the recognition luncheon on Friday and present a special workshop later in the program. Our Opening Plenary speaker, Tony
Hernandez, is an MSW graduate of Colorado State University and Director of Fannie Mae's Colorado Partnership Coalition. In
addition to the presentations, we have more exhibits than ever, and we have a new look to our exhibit hall and exhibit area.
The preconference workshops on October 31 offer sessions for many interests. There are full day workshops for program
directors and field directors, a special session for new program directors, and a workshop on practice with groups in the
generalist curriculum. Come early and take advantage of these special sessions. There are many opportunities for
fun, exercise, and relaxation. These include, but are not limited to: the Jim Wahlberg Mile High Walk/Run, our new live
auction, Salons on topics relevant to our current social and political situation, the famous (infamous?) Shameless Blues Band
on its Front Ridge Tour, and the Jon Romero y Amancer Band. I talked with Jon, and he and his band are looking forward to
showing us a very good time. Bring your dancing shoes, because they intend to teach us all to salsa! Jon is supportive
of social work and social workers because his wife is an MSW and is program director for an agency in Denver which provides
programming for homeless and at risk adolescents. He, too, has been a strong supporter of programs for teens. To
make sure you're well fed and have the energy for these events, we are planning a menu to reflect the cuisine of the area.
Did you know that 70% of the conference registration fee goes to cover the cost of the food functions at the conference?
Good food, activities that are fun, and the excellent presentations and special workshops make the BPD annual conference
a great value! Please remember that this conference is a service to BPD members, but we also need your support to
continue to bring you great conferences at a great price. We need your donations for the Silent Auction and the Live Auction.
Please bring items such as holiday gifts or decorations, local wine or beer, regional items of interest, art work, etc.
Don't miss this conference! Get your airline reservations by calling Ideal Travel Agency toll free at 1.877.718.4332
for 10% discounted air fare. Take Super Shuttle or Budget rental cars for airport to hotel transportation. Be sure to announce
that you are a BPD Conference attendee to get the discounts. Go to the bpdonline.org web page for details on these arrangements,
hotel, and conference registration information. SEE YOU IN DENVER!
